The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Boxing Association Industria 2023-06-22

The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Boxing Association

The Polish Boxing Association celebrates 100 years this year. Jubilee celebrations took place on June 9-10 in Targi Kielce. For the duration of the event, the following have been announced: Quarter with the Champion, a seminar on the history of Polish boxing, a meeting with Leszek Błażyński and the Olympic Champion Marian Kasprzyk – promotion of the book “The Master’s Confession”, social fight of boxing in wheelchairs.

788 people – that’s how many people officially took part in a joint boxing training during the Jubilee of the Polish Boxing Association. This is the second confirmed record set during the Celebrations of the 100th anniversary of PBA in Targi Kielce. At the same time, a record number of 788 people trained in Kielce. Among them were the president of PBA Grzegorz Nowaczek, deputy minister of sport Anna Krupka, senator Krzysztof Słoń, and the special guest of the event was the president of the European Boxing Confederation (EUBC) Ioannis Filippatos.

The group of excellent boxers training in the Kielce Region included, among others: Wojciech Bartnik, Zbigniew Raubo, Tomasz Adamek, Krzysztof Włodarczyk, Łukasz Różański, Karolina Koszewska and others.

This is the second record set during the great Jubilee of the Polish Boxing Association. As much as 16 hours 3 minutes – this is the new record in continuous work on a punching bag.

The Jubilee Gala at Targi Kielce ended the 2-day Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Boxing Association. It was a great event, graced by the presence of the entire Polish boxing family, headed by the Olympic Champions Marian Kasprzyk and Jerzy Rybicki, but also a lot of guests not only from the world of sport.

I am very pleased to welcome you to this unique event.  The presence of so many outstanding figures fills me with pride and confirms my belief that the boxing family is large and lives in friendship. I would like to emphasize that in the 1950s Poland was a world boxing powerhouse. I am proud I am convinced that our hard work will bring great success and the Olympic medal in Paris, for which we have been waiting for so long” – said Grzegorz Nowaczek, president of the Polish Boxing Association.

It is an honor for me to be here today during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Boxing Association. I would like to thank President Grzegorz Nowaczek and Vice President Maciej Demel for the invitation and good cooperation. It is also a good time to summarize the 100-year history of Polish boxing, exceptionally rich, wonderful, with many traditions and successes” – said Deputy Minister of Sport Anna Krupka.

The president of the European Boxing Confederation (EUBC), Ioannis Filippatos, came to Kielce especially for the Jubilee of PBA: “I am very happy to be with you during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Boxing Association. It is a great honor for me, because here is the crème de la creme of the Polish boxing family. I would like to congratulate and thank the president Grzegorz Nowaczek and his team for preparing today’s event, but also for cooperation with the European Boxing Confederation”.

Saturday’s gala, attended by several hundred guests, was an amazing event, full of congratulations, awards and thanks. Statuettes commemorating the Gala of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Boxing Association were presented. A film about the history of Polish boxing was also shown.

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