Karolina Młodawska Industria 2022-07-18

Świętokrzyska Industrial Group INDUSTRIA also supports Karolina Młodawska. Karolina is an athlete specializing in the following events: long jump and triple jump. In her sports career, she can boast of many achievements. She has a bronze medal at the Polish Championships in 2018 in the long jump . She repeated her success a year later in 2019, also reaching third place in this competition.

Karolina is a gold medalist of the Polish indoor championships in 2020 in the long jump and a silver medalist in this competition in 2019. In 2021, she managed to win bronze in the Polish indoor championships (Toruń 2021) in the long jump and silver in the triple jump of the Polish Championships .

Last year – 2022 – also brought new successes to Karolina. She took part in the Polish Indoor Championships, reaching the highest podium 🥇 in the triple jump, and also won bronze 🥉 in the long jump. During the Polish Championships, she reached third place 🥉 in triple jump. In 2022, she also took part in the European Championships in Munich.

Karolina Młodawska does not stop at her current successes. In the near future, she plans to face other players in the Polish Indoor Championships. An important event in her career will also be the European Championships. Her far-reaching plans reach the Summer Olympics in Paris in 2024. We keep our fingers crossed for further sports successes, not only on the local, but also international arena 🤞.

Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA wyrasta z 150-letniej historii Kieleckich Marmurów oraz przemysłowych tradycji regionu. INDUSTRIA łączy te tradycje z nowoczesnymi technologiami i dbałością o środowisko naturalne.

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Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa
ul. Na Ługach 7
25-803 Kielce

Adres korespondencyjny
ul. Sandomierska 105
25-324 Kielce
tel.: +48 (41) 330 15 00

2023 © Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A.

Spółka Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A. oświadcza, iż posiada status dużego przedsiębiorcy w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 8 marca 2013 r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych (Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 403 z późn. zm.).