Sandra Drabik Industria 2022-07-18
klaster sksm 285

As one of the objectives of Świętokrzyskie Industrial Group INDUSTRIA is to take care of the nearest surroundings and support the local initiatives, in 2021 we established cooperation with Sandra Drabik from Kielce – Polish and European boxing champion, kick-boxing world champion and this year’s Olympic winner of Tokyo 2020. We support Sandra in her sport trainings and fights. We keep our fingers crossed for her further sport successes, not only in the local arena, but also internationally.

We attempt to make our relationship with the region not only geographical, we crave to influence our local environment in a much bigger dimension. Therefore, since this year we have strongly supported not only Sandra but also other sportsmen, e.g. “GKS Gród Ćmińsk”, “GKS Wicher Miedziana Góra”.  We also sponsored the third league “ŁKS Łagów”, as well as talented youth from the wrestling club “Guliwer Nowiny”.

Despite the injury suffered in March 2022, Sandra Drabik did not give up. She returned to sport in November, when she took part in the international Leszek Drogosz tournament and reached for gold🥇. In December 2022, she took part in the Polish Championships, winning a silver medal🥈. This year she returned to training and camps with the Polish national team.

Sandra sets high standards for herself and constantly strives to achieve her goals. And what are her plans? Sandra intends to start in February in the first control tournament in Debrecen (Hungary), and then in Sofia, Bulgaria. These are tournaments preparing for the start of the World Championships, which will be held on March 15-31, 2023 in India. These are her nearest starts and goals. She is also fighting for entry into the Olympic team. Sandra is also the sponsorship representative of ŚGP INDUSTRIA.

Or maybe you have questions? Feel free to contact Sandra Drabik. The role of the sponsorship representative is to attract entrepreneurs from Świętokrzyskie for sports clubs in the region and, as part of cooperation, to increase their involvement in the promotion of movement and various physical activities.

Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA wyrasta z 150-letniej historii Kieleckich Marmurów oraz przemysłowych tradycji regionu. INDUSTRIA łączy te tradycje z nowoczesnymi technologiami i dbałością o środowisko naturalne.

Dane grupy

Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa
ul. Na Ługach 7
25-803 Kielce

Adres korespondencyjny
ul. Sandomierska 105
25-324 Kielce
tel.: +48 (41) 330 15 00

2023 © Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A.

Spółka Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A. oświadcza, iż posiada status dużego przedsiębiorcy w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 8 marca 2013 r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych (Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 403 z późn. zm.).