INDUSTRIA LKS Znicz Chęciny Industria 2023-03-29

On March 23, 2023, there was an agreement signed between the Świętokrzyskie Industrial Group INDUSTRIA and the wrestling club “LKS Znicz Chęciny”. From April the first the club takes the name “INDUSTRIA LKS Znicz Chęciny” and ŚGP INDUSTRIA becomes its titular sponsor for a yeartime.

The beginning of Club “Znicz” dates back to 1976. Then, on the initiative of the school headmaster – Stanisław Biernat, the “Znicz” Podzamcze club was registered. Initially, the competitors competed only in the classic style, and since 1979 also in the free style. Trainings took place only on soft materials. Over time, as the club began to become more and more successful,  there funds appeared for the purchase of mats and financing sports camps for outstanding players.

Zbigniew Grudzień represented Poland in the World and European Championships. He was also covered by the training of the Olympic team. Czesław Zaborski’s team won the 3rd place 🥉 in the Cup Polish Seniors, in the free style, in Kraśnik in 1992. Later, due to the weaker interest in men’s wrestling, the coach took up women’s wrestling. It was a hit. In May 1995 in Wrocław “Znicz” took first place in the girls’ club scoring in the National Youth Olympics. In the same year in Bielawa, “Znicz” took second place 🥈 in women’s scoring in the Youth Polish Championships. In 2001, in the PZZ best polish clubs ranking in women’s wrestling, “Znicz” took second place 🥈 , and for 15 years it has been placed among the top 💯 clubs.

In addition to Zbigniew Grudzień, three more players of the “Znicz” club were covered by Olympic preparations: Kinga Kubicka, Agnieszka Król and multiple medalist Anna Wawrzycka – the most titled player in “Znicz”. In total, in the years 1976-2020, the athletes of “Znicz” gained about 250 medals of the Polish Championships 🏅.

Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA wyrasta z 150-letniej historii Kieleckich Marmurów oraz przemysłowych tradycji regionu. INDUSTRIA łączy te tradycje z nowoczesnymi technologiami i dbałością o środowisko naturalne.

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Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa
ul. Na Ługach 7
25-803 Kielce

Adres korespondencyjny
ul. Sandomierska 105
25-324 Kielce
tel.: +48 (41) 330 15 00

2023 © Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A.

Spółka Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A. oświadcza, iż posiada status dużego przedsiębiorcy w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 8 marca 2013 r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych (Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 403 z późn. zm.).