Świętokrzyskie Mines of Mineral Resources Aleksandra Snoch 2022-06-14

Świętokrzyskie Mines of Mineral Resources

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Świętokrzyskie Mines of Mineral Resources

The Świętokrzyskie Mines of Mineral Resources is one of the few companies with such a long history and tradition within the field of the extraction and processing of rock materials in the Świętokrzyskie region. ŚKSM is derived from the KKSM, therefore we are a part of the history and tradition of the Kielce Mineral Resource Mines. In total, it is almost 150 years during which the world has changed beyond recognition, and so have we changed!

Our company, as a dynamically operating business in the mining industry, primarily focuses on safety, lasting relationships and social responsibility!

We crave sustainable development to become the basis of our business model. We constantly strive to achieve the highest level of services provided while minimizing our impact on the environment. We want to enjoy the trust of our customers, society and employees.

Świętokrzyskie Kopalnie Surowców Mineralnych
High quality guarantee

The main objective of Świętokrzyskie Industrial Group INDUSTRIA is the production of high quality construction products in the form of aggregates. In order to meet the expectations of our Customers, we have implemented the Factory Production Control System (ZKP), which is constantly being improved. Our staff is aware of the responsibility for the quality of the product at every stage, starting with the extraction of the raw rock and finishing with the transport of the finished product to the customer. Quality control of products is performed by a qualified team of employees with many years of experience.

Check out our offer
Ask for an offer
Marcin Grzegorczyk

Voivodeships: świętokrzyskie,
lubelskie, podkarpackie

Tel: +48 724 660 026

Joanna Orlińska

Województwa: małopolskie, łódzkie, śląskie, podlaskie, mazowieckie,
Tel: +48 724 660 008

    We hereby declare that the administrator of the personal data provided is the Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A.

    Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA wyrasta z 150-letniej historii Kieleckich Marmurów oraz przemysłowych tradycji regionu. INDUSTRIA łączy te tradycje z nowoczesnymi technologiami i dbałością o środowisko naturalne.

    energetyka jądrowa
    Dane grupy

    Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa
    ul. Na Ługach 7
    25-803 Kielce

    Adres korespondencyjny
    ul. Sandomierska 105
    25-324 Kielce
    tel.: +48 (41) 330 15 00

    2023 © Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A.

    Spółka Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A. oświadcza, iż posiada status dużego przedsiębiorcy w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 8 marca 2013 r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych (Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 403 z późn. zm.).