INDUSTRIA supports triathlete Industria 2022-11-08

INDUSTRIA supports triathlete

IMG 1959

A Running Bio Mom, who perfectly combines private and sports life.

Aleksandra Korulczyk comes from Sopot and currently lives in Bałtów. She is a passionate dietitian, athlete, full-time mother of two and a wife.

Her mission and purpose is to show women that being a mother doesn’t mean giving up yourself. For several years, she has been motivating women to act and we value her for that.  Aleksandra, as she says herself, would like to motivate people to a healthy lifestyle, good food, practicing physical activity, and through her training and active participation in sport, she shows that it is possible to combine parental responsibilities with sport and personal development.

In 2018, she won the title of the Polish Champion in triathlon at the Olympic distance. Aleksandra did not rest on her laurels and  this year she took part in the ITU World Championships in Abu Dhabi organized on November 23-26, 2022. And the main sponsor of her trip was none other than INDUSTRIA. She was in the top 10 in the world, taking 9th place! CONGRATULATIONS! We derive great joy from supporting athletes, just as they derive satisfaction from playing sports.

Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA wyrasta z 150-letniej historii Kieleckich Marmurów oraz przemysłowych tradycji regionu. INDUSTRIA łączy te tradycje z nowoczesnymi technologiami i dbałością o środowisko naturalne.

Dane grupy

Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa
ul. Na Ługach 7
25-803 Kielce

Adres korespondencyjny
ul. Sandomierska 105
25-324 Kielce
tel.: +48 (41) 330 15 00

2023 © Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A.

Spółka Świętokrzyska Grupa Przemysłowa INDUSTRIA S.A. oświadcza, iż posiada status dużego przedsiębiorcy w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 8 marca 2013 r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych (Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 403 z późn. zm.).